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Motiv fra Lucca, Italia
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Kritikker (2)
Georg K.

That's something I would call a motif - a place full of pictures to use.
Absolute gorgeous - like in all other images I have seen from you here, you have obviously a sense for a specific charm - and you have a talent to get much of it transported in your images.
This one suffers, same as some others, from the, in my view, to visible effects of the lens. When looking beside the distortion, and the hard, harsh light - I love the mood of this abandoned place during mid-day - it's melancholic touch - the irregularity of absent spectators - and the repetition of the round form of the main subject in the street circling the place.
It seems that your are on purpose not using the main tools to fix the image up - which I have no problems to respect - and therefore also not suggest.
Precious and raw.
Jon G.

Takk for kommentarer! Bildet er tatt med Nikon F60, Tamron 24-135mm innstilt på 24mm så vidt jeg husker, Kodak 200 ASA negativ fargefilm, midt på dagen en dag i juli i fjor, og scannet inn på en Minolta Dimage Scan Dual III filmscanner. Ganske moderat priset utstyr med andre ord, og med film som ikke er særlig tilpasset det harde lyset midt på dagen. Er likevel godt fornøyd med bildet selv, etter forutsetningene. Farger og kontrast er fikset litt opp i Photoshop Elements.
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