færdern 04, sol, sommer, seiling, øl, røyk, men ingen vind... vindstille i drøbaksundet, kjedelig!
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Kritikker (3)
Janne L.
Du er vel ikke helt i boks med dette. Bakgrunnen burde vert roligere. Det sitter en mann der, som forstyrrer. Lyset her er altfor skarpt. Men du er inne på noe, så det er bare å prøve igjen.
Liv H.
akkurat mannen i bakgrunnen gjör dette portrettet spesielt. syns det er ganske stilig faktisk!
Georg K.
As explained on the front-side of this category - there are no rules to be found about what a bad - or a good image needs to have. A comment therefore - as long as not purely technical, can only reflect a personal opinion, based again on the knowledge, understanding and believes the author - sometimes I really think that a small appendix - like : in my opinion - would help to increase the potential value of a discourse.
Like already said by Liv - the man in the background does clearly have his place in this composition - and does the light as a connecting element.
Without really feeling the need to explore this image too deeply - it has to my mind absolute qualities, and is making use of a presentation rather rarely used here in order to present portraits.
The image is able to concentrate on specific facial features - underlines them, brings them into an explaining setting - works with an ambitious crop - and incl. an explicable dynamic.
Have no idea which boks this should fit - but it works as a photo.
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