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Georg K.

Now - I more and more feel that I really only can ( or want ? ) comment on images I'm able to connect on a more intuitive level - which makes by nature every of these comments less important in terms of objective, and therefore helpful feedback.
Following your very different postings here at this page, allows me as others to get an impression about the variations of what triggers your creative interest - with results of different availability to reach different people.
Many of your portraits are getting much response - meaning that you are obviously able to transfer much of your emotional intuition through your images - many of your colour-composition like the Tattoo-shop, restaurant etc.are evidence of your fresh, and to a degree also radical observations of form, patterns - harmonies and clashes.
There are of course some images I fks. Cannot really access - this one was a new one to me - at least as posted, created by you.
Since you are in my bookmark-list I see most of your postings - open them - and have some kind of opinion, either right away - or after a time; a mechanism I consider as an advantage of this page, since it allows me to not only to jump from one sensation to the next - but participate in a process of development as an observer.
Trying to see this image in a context of being made by you, trying to see similarities, differences etc. compared with other known images of yours - this one strikes me in the same way like fks. a single frame from a favourite movie.
I actually enjoy it - it triggers fantasy, it invites rather than stating or reporting.
By nature this isn't a kind of image that can be planed carefully, repeated until the desired effect etc. is there - it is much more a documentary of a moment.
And to my mind it is of course the bird who has to be hold responsible for the existence of this image - but he appears here as seen, as unexpected and momentarily as appearing in the as true assumed reality - and in this way the image again is a true - and highly sympathic documentary of this moment - coloured, tanned and reflected by the image you were able to take from this moment.
But again not the usual documentary, allowing is close-up eye-to-eye look, not the fascinating ( or opposite ) colour of the animal, not the sensation of hunting, killing etc. - the whole image is a documented moment from your vision, observation.
Refined, manipulated perhaps in the process of post-production by enhancing the elements of importance in your view - but as a result something to my taste and understanding at least equally interesting like a portrait - a touch overdoing I would call it portrait of a moment.
( Someone said that I tend to be teatralisk :)
As an image I like this a lot - it appeals to many of the characteristics, which don't need to be repeated here since basically known by hundreds of repeat ions - it honours the fascination this animal is able to trigger with the most of us, it has a clear, logic - and the same moment almost poetic composition ( poetic is nothing dirty - not even in images - and nothing with the taste of dust - it is an explaining word for the underlying mood, tone in this image ).
Ok - this was a bit long - but I'm not often comment on animal-images :)
Nice - I like it really a lot.

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