Tongue flower
I might have a very lively imagination, but is think it does look like a tongue with the schadow of the grass falling over it in the middle.
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Kritikker (4)
Nina E.

Agree with you, it was my first impression too! Beautiful colors anyway...
Mvh ne
Ole Martin T.

Enig. Særlig på Thumben lignet det på en tunge. Kult bilde som jeg tror hadde blitt enda kulere dersom du mettet fargene noe, og gjorde signaturen mindre.

mvh - Ole Martin
thomas m.

hej Shirly!
Ill translate Ole's comment:

Agree, especially at Thumben it looks alike a tongue. Cool picture which in my opinion should have been even nicer if you had saturated it a bit more, and if you had made your signature smaller..

ys - Ole Martin..

I agree with him, it's a very nice picture, perfect cutout, and nice colours, and with a smaller signature would it be nice as well..:-)
well done! look forward to see more of your pics!
ys, T M :-)
Shirly R.

I know about the signature! but the problem is, that i use to have 2 versions of this picture, one with and one without the signature. But somehow things went a little wrong, and know i only have the version with the signature left because it was also saved on a nother computer.... and it still hurts! I have 2 very nice other pictures of flowers, the best i have ever made, they schould be in a boerenbond comercial that great, same story...

Anyway, thanks for the comments!
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