I like the curiosity in his attitude, those brigt blue eyes and of course it's large yellow beak. Like he's asking me: What are you doing? What is that thing? -Is that a picture you're taking?? Do you think I look nice, will I be famous???
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Kritikker (3)
Roy H.

Hi Shirly. I like the colours in your picture, but I think its missing some sharpness. The composition is also a bit tight. I think there should be more space on the right side and in the bottom of the picture.
Kind regards Roy
Shirly R.

your absolutely right, it was taken trough a window but still the picture itself is a little unsharp. But I liket the look in his eyes to much to not put it on the site :) I see now that the frame also isn't as black as I thought... I can do better :) thanks for the comment
thomas m.

nice nice! Like your discription..:-) You're beginning to get a respectable gallery..:-) I agree with Roy, the sharpness is not perfect, but it's a nice pic anyhow..

mvh, T M
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