Rainy Morning
I'm not happy about the eyes. They are not very sharp and I can't seem to get them sharper. If anyone has any tips on what I'm doing wrong, I'd love to read about it.
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  • Lagt inn: 2006-10-02 12:32:25
    Versjon #2
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Helge L.

I like this picture, you have captured a good expression, and the colors are really nice.
About the eyes, try to put on some Unsharp Mask in Photoshop on the eyes only, and preferably not on the white part of the eyes. I tried it on this picture with the settings:
260% - 0,4 pix - 0 levels, and I think it was quite ok. Perhaps you will find other settings that will work better though. (I also removed the effekt on the white reflections in the eye, as well as in the white part of the eye.) hope it will work out!
Leslie Marie W.

Hi Helge,

Thank you for the tip! I tried your suggestion and it brought out a lovely red color plus did sharpen it a bit.
-Leslie Marie
Helge L.

Looks good I think. I would perhaps remove it on the white reflections inside the iris, they look a bit pixelated from this treatment. :-)
Ine G.

What a lovely expression! You have some great stuff on here - your potraits of the children are really nice. :)
Leslie Marie W.

Thank you, Ine!
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