My analysis of these sites would act as a bridge between the two sets of things: one an invisible realm that includes the way of man; the other a visible, tangible accumulation of material remains such as trash, tools, ornaments, and buildings. I would consciously try to stay away from derelict areas, as they would only contain a very brief history and not especially particular and personal background. It has always been my intention to make my images as objects of recollective moments, being metaphors for history, as one would see them in museums.

As with many other contemporary artists who have chosen to work with black and white photography, such as the Bechers, Robert Adams and Patrick Faigenbaum, I am attracted to the descriptive precision of the medium, its ability to describe the physical texture of objects. More so than color, it offers the opportunity to explore the contingency of human experience at the same time as concentrating on the complexity of the visual world. Another aspect of the photography is how l was restrained in my work from the weather.

Patience played a large part in this project. Sometimes l had to wait several hours before the light I wanted would appear, and in this project l wanted it to be as dull and grey as possible, so that it could be seen upon as a metaphor for history, something that is blurred and not quite understood or remembered. l had to be ready to seize that moment when it appeared. And this right moment could also be seen as a metaphor where that second of the right moment represents that second in our mind where we recollect something that we see or sense.

Time is of the essence and importance, so time becomes history and history becomes distant (or in some cases very distinct) memories. To further enhance this effect in my pictures I have deliberately made most parts of them slightly out of focus, to represent the process of thinking. This is very important to me, to place focus on only a certain part of the picture, so that this would be that particular something that we remember. Without knowing exactly what it is, we do remember some specific subject, and it is this that is in focus.
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Roald V.


Interesting pictures you're presenting here. And even more interesting thoughts that you're having. I really was looking forward to look at your pictures after reading the text all ready to get your thought reaching my existence both visually and kinesthetically, but no...

What I experienced looking at your pictures was eg. that due to the dodging in the middle part and not in the edges, my eyes flew out of the picture over and over again :( Maybe this is the effect you want some of your viewers to get, but I was disappointed after reading the text.

Personally I think it requires a lot of skills to make a harmony between the text and the picture as with text the viewers fantasy is all erased and guided into the photographers intended story making two elements becoming the success factors of the picture. This takes me back to my use of 'interesting' as I cannot tell if it was the text or the picture that gave me the experience I got...

In short; These two pictures did not work for me this time but I'm looking forward to see the next ones!

Torild H.

Så på disse bildene i går kveld, og tenkte: over 100 visninger og ingen som har sagt et ord, denne fotosiden er ganske forutsigbar, i mangfoldets navn setter jeg pris på innslag som disse to bildene.
Jeg velger å først gjøre meg opp en egen mening om bildene, så i etterkant, hvis bildet gir meg nok, lese teksten.

(Jeg har nettopp satt film i et Brownie fra 20-tallet for første gang, og ser derfor etter bilder tatt med mellom- og storformatkamera. Tenker på hva slags motiv som kan være hensiktsmessig til/med et så gammelt kamera.)

Syns bildet har en god, bærende komp., og lys/skyggeforhold. ''Blandingen'' av det skarpe og uskarpe i bildet er noe jeg undres over, men kanskje jeg finner forklaring på det i teksten din. Mht. motivvalg, i dette og det andre bildet, vil nok folk flest etterlyse et levende element,(menneske, hund, fugl...)
men motivet gir meg nok; SPOR etter mennesker som tydelig har vært tilstede er nok til å fange min interesse, og det blir historiefortelling...
Mvh Torild
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