When I was about 4 -5 years old, I remember having a sort of "Introduction" to my dreams.
It was always the same - As I walked out to the veranda, I fell into a big hole, this hole took me to a big dark sea, where it was impossible to escape.
As I swam trough the dark water I would encounter fish of different size and colour, corals and weeds that sparcled.
In the end I would be chased by a big horrific pink fish - it ate me.
The dream always ended with that, and I was free to enter the land of treams

I never forget this, and I am still curious about how I always woke up wet in my bed.

- This photo is inspired by this dream.
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Kenneth E.

ett bilde du har all grunn til å være fornøyd med.Fantastisk !! Flotte farger (er glad i blått :))
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