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Avsluttet .

Ha! Dette var tøft, fått fanget en barsk fyr i et godt øyeblikk. Passer s/h for min del, da dette gir hele bilde mer stil, og gode kontraster. Og bare en tanke som slo inn, men mannen minner meg om clint eastwood. Men en ting, er det en helt svart vegg framfor ansiktet, eller er dette redigert inn. Så bare litt spesielt ut, da man kan se en annen bakgrunn under mannens hode. Det er og noen andre små ting, men siden tittelen er far away, regner jeg med dette er et veldig nedskjært bilde og grunnen til ting jeg vil pirke på. Men alt i alt, likte bilde.
Georg K.

A sort of "classic", and still very effective and triggering at least my interest.
And since smoking cigarettes really isn't considered as that cool anymore, the small provocation within this image is adding to the interest to explore this mans face, trying to encode.
The lightning is probably the biggest of all challenges in this image, assuming that there was a chance to set up a good and suitable light-setting, one would probably expect to see the smoke from the burning cigarette, alternative the same from mouth and/or nose.
To my mind it is too much light, as a consequence there are too many areas with an too greyish tone to them. The razor-sharpness often used in images with these hard S/H contrast is a bit missing.

The other point is the afterwork, or at least what I assume is afterwork - the dark area in front of the head - in contrast to the area below his chin / throat - as well as the two spots without definition in his eyebrows.

To my mind, this model / face / person / man offers a great chance for this type of portrait, but in order to get it really good, it demands more work in preparation and afterwork.
John M.

Thanks for your comments. The black part was edited in. This was taken in front of Oslo Central station where the subject was sitting on the steps, quite disconnected from the many people walking by. I use the very simplest of editing programs. Have to dig in and learn to use a more advanced program.
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