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Ask Andreas B.

I'm very sorry to say, but I can not believe you are a professional photographer. Your choice of lightsetting, and poor retouch makes me want to do it on my own. I'm not a professional, so I might not be the right guy to tell you this. But if You are a professional, I guess you are used to some critique:) Happy Holidays...

ian w.

Andreas, yes I am a professional and have been so for ovber 35 years. I have also lived very well from it! As you stated 'my choice of light setting' is just that..mine and of course the clients. You appear to be critiquing from a point of having no idea what the image is about, or what the shoot was for. Before you start slating others work, perhaps a few questions as to the why's and wherefores might gain you a little respect.
Ask Andreas B.

It has nothing to do about respect. I was wondering if you were a professional, since your images are, how to say it in a nice way, a bit boring. Of course your clients decide what they want, but this shouldn't make your images look like an amateurs's. Like in this picture - you loose so much detail,and the picture doesn't tell me much at all. Of course I don't know what the shoot was for, and that gives me the right to comment from my point of view. If there's additional info we should know about, to understand the picture, then add it. Without, we comment on how we see it.

I'm not trying to be rude, I've had a lot of tough comments thrown at my face, and I get stronger and better from it. And I see that myself - when I compare old and new shots. I might have no clue of what I am talking about, but I think it's easy for photographers that have been working for a long time, to be stuck with their settings and personal "do's and don'ts". I think some stop exploring, and that kills peoples chances of improvement.

ian w.

Unfortunately Andreas, very few shoots for work are exciting. Your clients choose you for any apparent style you have. A meeting is held to discuss the shoot. A shoot is a job, just like any other job..a mechanic fixes cars..I take pictures.
I gave up taking pictures for pleasre 25 years ago. My camera kit are my tools. Nothing more, nothing less. I have a software developing room which is much easier than the days of 35mm film.
You have to understand it is only a job I do. I am not creating wonderful works of art. The only thing I do is to keep a client happy and for me to accept the work I do even if it is utterly boring to do and utterly boring to look at.
believe me, most commercial work is boring to do. There is no glamour in being a photographer if you want to make a good living at it.
Roy-Cato M.

Jeg liker utrykkene i bildene, og det må jo være herlig å kunne levere det kunden bestiller..... Proffesjonalitet er vel nettopp det å ha kontroll. Ian, det skla bli spennende å følge dine bilder her på Foto.no, og samtidig lære underveis. Fortsatt god jul. Mvh Rc
ian w.

Hi Roy-Cato, thank you for the comment. As you saw I had an interesting exchange of words with Andreas. I will be posting more images in the New year and if I can give you any help with your photography, please ask.
Have a Great Christmas and a productive new Year.

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