  • Pentax 645
  • 80-160mm
  • Brennvidde160mm
  • Blenderf/4.5
  • Lukker1/500s
  • FilmtypeIlford Delta 3200
  • Nei
  • AnnetEksponert til 1600 ISO
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
Annen info
  • KategoriIndustri
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger450
  • Nøkkelord
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Kritikker (2)
Ingvild B.

Fine kontraster og hard mot mykt utrykk, ser enda bedre ut(for meg) naar halve bildet i overkant er kuttet bort;;

Georg K.

absolute nice piece - amazing surface you got - the three screws in between the floating water - the track throughout the image - it's nice composed, has a fantastic ''wet'' impression on the steel , absolute interesting light.

Agree with Ingvild that the upper part might not be needed as much as it is now - surely the main attraction I sin the lower half - and what you have been able to do with the water is just great.

I think it is actually a really good image it has quality.
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