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Kritikker (10)
Dag J.

Her var det masse varme, både i farger og uttrykk. Kjempeflott!
mariah m.

Bra bilde og fine farger ( litt mye rødt i fjeset ?). Koselig motiv.
Rene A.

Dejligt sommerbillede!


Eliza A.

Varmt og flott. Litt vel mye kontraster i ansiktene.

Carsten A.

Tja, vet ikke riktig. Innholdet er vel bra nok, men ikke utførelsen. Fargemetningen er alt for høy, og det samme gjelder tildels kontrasten. Mange og klart synlige kunstige konturer springer desverre sterkt i øynene - antakelig for kraftig bruk av USM, kanskje med for stor radius.
Hans Inge B.

Knallfint bilde!! Kanskje det hadde blitt enda bedre uten flytebryggen?
Georg K.

Hei Bjarne,

tried to send you a mail - but don't get the impression that this worked - so, therefore here again - it's not really the right place - but ok - there are no secrets etc.

To be very honest with you - I really do not know how regular people down there react when pictures are taken from them.

What I do know is that the people in general are extremely friendly, absolute not shy - and somehow also proud about their own culture etc.
Communication is partly a bit difficult, since the people speak Arabian and French, but they are very talented with new languages many of them have been working or family in Germany, Italy and the Benelux - we even have met two times locals who have been working in Norway.
It is not very complicated to get in contact, and often you end up in pleasant talks with them.
We - my Girlfriend Kjersti and me, have been there only one week, it was a test, since I never was in the south and I'm not really the fan of alldaylong on the beach etc.
The children I have met in the old part of the town Hammemet, in the north at the coast.

This place I liked very much - it was of course a place with a lot of tourism, but even in July 90 % of the people were locals - or Tunisian tourist's from Tunis and other larger towns.

There are many '' western '' tourists, and one of the reason is that the State is protecting them as the major income of the country as good das they can, so you will see a lot of police in the whole of the country. People from Tunisia who steel from tourist get very hard punished, even touching a tourist at the markets is strictly forbidden.
It feels a bit strange, and I have been talking with local people who gave me the impression that they dislike the attitude of their government in this way - they told me that according to the rules of the Islam, Moslems in general are polite and generous towards strangers, so it do not need the strict control.

People are in general attractive, slim, dark - a type between Arabian, European and African.

Even in the centre of the town during the weekend I haven't seen many people in public drunk, even though I was told that people actually drink.

The mood of most people is very positive, I haven't seen any person in really aggressive or bad mood, they are very nice with their children and cpl. different then Italy, Greece or South France, Spain etc. - as a western Girl you do not fear to be in the public attention all the time.

You need to follow a few rules, respect their religion, respect that they are not swimming naked or topless.
( most women from Tunisia even wear something covering shoulders until knee when swimming )

We have taken pictures openly and a bit hidden, not of women and not of police or military.

What else - landscape is partly terrific, very different from Northern Europe, the food is delicious, alcohol and cigarettes are expensive, Arabian coffee great - and I actually really liked the people.

Please try to remember - the average income during summer of a regular guy is ca. 250 Dinar ( approx. 1500 Nok. ) - and I have met people who have been working the whole day - 12 hrs. and more for something like 4/5 Dinar - and still they are friendly and nice.

It's not a paradise, but a country I like because of the people living there very much.

In addition it's attractive and interesting, a great old culture and some interesting modern Arabian music-and other influences.

It's a good county to see - if you should decide to go I wish you a lot of interesting moments.

best regards


P.S. The cute girl with the ''Comfur toilet '' was down there together with me.
unni ø.

Kjempeflott bilde.
Er det solnedgang? Syns fargene tyder på det.

Unni :-)
Bjarne N.

solnedgang, ja. mulig fargene er litt overdrevne. (det var imidlertid kuvøsebildet jeg tenkte på, men dette spiller jo også på litt av det samme)
Avsluttet .

Jeg syns at den høye fargemetningen viser at dette er et spontant øyeblikk, at det er ekte - og ikke perpeksjonert. Jeg føler at bildet uttrykker kjærlighet, glede og ''good times''. Blir glad når jeg ser bilder som dette! :)
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