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Kritikker (4)
Ole Martin T.

Ikke enkelt å ta gode bilder av mange mennesker samtidig,
men dette var et godt forsøk.

Med så mange ''detaljer'' i bildet er det mye som kunne vært sagt. Synes bildet er bra og ble med en gang satt inn i en situasjon. Dersom jeg skulle komponert det ville jeg bare at en av modellene skulle se bort fra kamera slik at ikke der er to som skiller seg ut. Og så ville jeg ikke skjult ansiktet bakerst til høyre.

mvh - Ole Martin
Helge G.

Nå er ikke portretter det jeg føler meg mest kompetent til å uttale meg om, men vil slutte meg til den mildt positive vurderinga.

Mht. til å skille seg ut, så skiller jenta framme til høyre også seg ut, ved et lite smil på leppene og ved å ''fronte'' gruppa (samtidig som ho også står sammen med de andre). Når noen andre i tillegg skiller seg ut på en annen måte, ved å se bort fra kameraet, blir det kanskje litt mye som ''skjer'' og an anelse vanskelig å orientere seg. Kanskje det hadde vært bedre (mindre mylder) om ho stod litt lengre foran (eller de andre lengre bak)?

Bare noen tanker fra en som ikke har tenkt noe særlig på sånt før.
Georg K.

Feel a bit like the others - and don't want to be too negative - but somehow I have the feeling that you did not really get the maximum out of this setting.

Then again - you have done a lot of picture's, much fashion and glamour oriented images - and so you for sure know better than me what it takes, needs etc.

From my perspective as a '' viewer'' the picture doesn't offer me a clear point to focus on.
First view/focus / the face to the right with a nice structure from light and shadow - that's ok and a good entrance into the image.
Second -,- / the fourth face from the right, similar light - but the pose, gesture doesn't harmonise with the first face.
Third -,- / the third face from the right - because the pose is much more elegant - and works better with the first face.
Fourth -,- / the face to the left - who is suddenly growing above a face and participate as a full view - but not much light - plus a cut elbow.
Fifth -,- / the face 5 from the right - again a mimic not corresponding to the others - and face No. 2 is hidden behind the first girl.

Sounds messy - but I guess the message is that there are so many different points to focus on in this image that it hardly keeps the impression of one shot.
The context - why these girls are standing together and on what they react - what their different expressions are saying isn't getting really clear - for a regular fashion shot there is too much focus on the faces ( which I like, since it offers most ).
In addition I don't find the light very tempting - some areas of the picture do look a bit pale or flat while others get much more attractive light.

Sounds very negative - but it's just a more complicated way of asking - because I guess you had something in mind I simply didn't get here.

The good part is that I really believe that it is an interesting - and difficult task to portrait faces from the crowd - so I like the basic approach.
Tell me when cpl. wrong - because I'm here to steal knowledge :)
dan n.

Detta är en exprimentell bild, vars tanke är att anspela på de olika ljusen och skuggorna i bilden. Tjejerna fick fritt posera framför kameran......
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