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meget, meget, bra. til og med midtstillingen av personen får en dypere mening.
Inger-Lise S.
Dette likte jeg virkelig godt! Den tenkende personen i senga,og ikke minst de hvite skyggene mot det røde.
Jeg ser for meg en som ligger syk og lengter ut...
Georg K.
cool and relaxed - it's has a meaning to post such pictures when walking beside the lines of easy accessible content and symbols.
Great composition of colours - great pose and wonderful setting with the sun-reflections in the background - never minding the deeper thoughts of the guy with the bed-head.
The triangle of pillow and sunlight is really the top - it's smart and ambitious - congratulations
Magne S.
Tusen takk for oppmuntrende ord alle tre ! Det trengte jeg.
Men Georg: The guy with the bed-hed is my wife !!
Heldigvis er hun betraktelig søtere enn det som går frem av dette bildet........ så jeg skjønner at man kan ta feil............
Georg K.
Ok - I owe you one :) But I had seriously the picture of a much thinking man in head - you know the kind of guy who is in the stage that he reserves the right to refuse the normal routine of getting up - because he needs to think.
Don't know if you get the picture, and don't want to step on some ones toes ( not again ) - but it is helt ok to look different in the morning than the rest of the day.
And please apologise my mistakes towards your wife :-)
Du må være logget inn for å kunne kommentere bildene på
Jeg ser for meg en som ligger syk og lengter ut...
Great composition of colours - great pose and wonderful setting with the sun-reflections in the background - never minding the deeper thoughts of the guy with the bed-head.
The triangle of pillow and sunlight is really the top - it's smart and ambitious - congratulations
Men Georg: The guy with the bed-hed is my wife !!
Heldigvis er hun betraktelig søtere enn det som går frem av dette bildet........ så jeg skjønner at man kan ta feil............
Don't know if you get the picture, and don't want to step on some ones toes ( not again ) - but it is helt ok to look different in the morning than the rest of the day.
And please apologise my mistakes towards your wife :-)