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  • Versjoner:
  • Versjon #1
  • Lagt inn: 2006-06-12 16:51:09
    Versjon #2
  • Canon PowerShot Pro 1
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Kritikker (7)
thomas m.

very nice! What picture did you use as 2. layer? An old wall or something? Just perfect..Perfect look on her face, the colours are just fine and the edge finishes it..Good work!

kr, T M
Kamran I.


Loved your picture, has a really depressive tone in it, and that can be seen miles away.

Comments on the work are mentioned, and i couldnt agree more.

Kind regards,
Andre V.

I think her skin is a bit dry...:) Lovely picture, lovely colours and an even better overall finish. What does it say on the wall on her right?

kåre l.

Very well done. I love the colors and the bloodshut eyes.
But after my taste a bit too dark under her chin, maybe you can move the layer in a different position? And please post the other version.
Serzh A.

to thomas morel: Thanks a lot Thomas! I used a texture of the cracked paint.
to Kamran Iqbal: Thanks!
to Andre Veie Engh: It say Something getting started... :)
to kåre lundby: Thank you! I cant post other version because is very old my work, and I am given have removed the original. I post the texture, you may use it...
Nina R.

very good job ;)!!
Elisabeth j.

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