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Bildet inngår i albumet moteforsoek - er usikker paa framgangsmaate. motefoto er en ny verden, tips er velkomment.

design: Rhian Evans
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Kritikker (7)
Caroline T.
Jeg likte det! Fine linjer, god plassering av frøkenen. Synes kanskje det ble litt trangt til venstre, og tror det ville gjort seg med noe luft på toppen.

Ellers synes jeg du har en fin-fin stil! Har sett gjennom de fleste bildene dine. Du er herved bokmerket.
Jorunn E.
Hei! Dette var et meget bra mote bilde! Fine linjer og plassering. Kult blikk og bra plassering av damen, og det gjør seg med litt rødt som fanger oppmerksomhet! Ser ikke klærne så godt om det er det du vil reklamere for, men det er jo ikke alltid man gjør det i reklamer for klær heller. Ekslusivt og fint komponert bilde!!

Mvh Jorunn
Stine Merete F.
Hei! Dette var et meget fint bilde, bare litt usikker på plassering av damen m.h.t. å vise fram klærne. Føler litt at det like gjerne kunne vært reklame for trappen (som forsåvidt er en stilig trapp!). Uten modellen kunne dette vært et godt interiørbilde også. Modellen har en fin positur, kunne kanskje tenkt meg mer fokus på ansiktet hennes. Som nevnt fint med det røde som liver opp i bildet. Totalt sett meget bra.
Mvh Stine
Dag T.
Fin positur og plassering av damen, og bra toner, men jeg synes kanskje trapper er på kanten til å være litt rotete.
Espen Stranger S.
Kanskje litt trangt oppe i hjørnet.
Georg K.
Expletively posted as an attempt in Fashion-photography, like the other two posted images, I have chosen this one for commenting, since it is in my view the most ambitious one.
Same model, same clothes – same location, which is in this image used in best way.
There are plenty of interesting points with fashion photography, one of them is certainly the melting process between pure product image and the process to create an enhancing setting – the production ( which is would be better described på tysk with the word “inszenierung” – meaning setting in scene ).
As long as the presentation is understood as part of the production, there are three main, or equally important parts, considered as frame within the most important parts of such work are happening.
To my mind it is getting boring when such images are only based on the expected taste of one specific target group – and nothing else are the people, who are supposed to reflect often on this, and much more interesting when the final image could be considered as an aesthetical expression of the design-understanding.
When looking at the three recent images of yours, I personally prefer this one most, mainly because of the two parallel lines of model and stair-handle.
From a point of composition this is solved with elegance and dynamic – the cool, seductive look and the pose are not in a need for a separate remark :), since obvious.
While in general I believe the walk up is probably the better choice to serve unconscious confirmation, also the motif of the diva coming down, has earned it’s place.
To my very subjective understanding the image is too hard cut – but I do know that I know nothing about it – this is just a reflective response, probably based on a “can’t get enough” attitude.
I think it is not unfair to say, that in this image the very special part of clothing, is not really possible to identify, which would mean that in the real world the product would need support from fks. a brand-name in order to gain the desired acceptance.
As a circumstance this isn’t negative towards the image, just something I believe is important to keep in mind – lets say this would be a suggestion of an unknown, alternative designer – I guess the piece of work would need more room – means the product would need more room.
I think Dag has mentioned it earlier, the stairs are a fine detail, a good idea and handled with great taste within the setting of too light and exact exposed parts - the part in the lower right corner it is getting busy – not much, but basically at a place where nothing is happening anyhow – so, no attention needed.
Long words, my conclusion is – excellent model for this dress, interesting and supporting location for the model in this dress, right pose for the excellent model in this interesting location – etc. – like others I like the red ( of course ) but I’m not sure if I like the dress ( which wasn’t the question anyhow )
Not much new for you – still, I think fashion-photography is an extraordinary exciting area ( as long as you don’t have to serve all the MTV wannabees ) with almost unlimited options to invent, reinvent, mix and shake.
Just thinking about it is already interesting.
Siv D.
Hei og tusen takk til alle for fine kommentarer.

Jeg la faktisk ikke merke til hvor trangt bildet var komponert foer det ble kommentert, takker for det. Dessverre er det ikke mer aa gaa paa da jeg alltid proever aa gjoere bildet saa ferdig som mulig i soekeren. saa dette er den hele og fullt ferdige komposisjonen.

da jeg tok disse bildene var konteksten like viktig for meg som klaerne, selv om kanskje designeren skulle oenske at jeg fokuserte mer paa hennes design.
men mine stoerste inspirasjoner har alltid vaert farger og linjer, og det er vanskelig aa legge fra seg naar man faar en saa fin location. (jeg synes den var fin)
- og det er ogsaa foerste gang jeg gjoer mote, derfor litt proeving og feiling og uvitenhet om hva som boer vaere i fokus.


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