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Det store, sorte dyret, som jeg ikke ville hatt like stor tillit til som Brummus har, er litt for mørkt og uskarpt. Ellers var det godt å se igjen denne! :-)
Tarjei Ekenes K.
i trygge omgivelser nå
:-D ! son tarjeiav !
Inger-Lise S.
Ja,nå har han det bra! Morsom serie dette:)
mvh Inger-Lise
Georg K.
Shit - this doesn't look good - the black cat bending the head - no one knows about the thoughts - that's why they are so attractive - they unpredictable, and he is too close to the favourite toy of the black-cat - lets hope that he has some way out in mind.
Then again - his smile talks for it's own - honning og rosinbøller for breakfast I assume, have covered already some of it's worst memories.
So - it's cat-play and not heroine anymore - that's a step into a brighter future.
:-D ! son tarjeiav !
mvh Inger-Lise
Then again - his smile talks for it's own - honning og rosinbøller for breakfast I assume, have covered already some of it's worst memories.
So - it's cat-play and not heroine anymore - that's a step into a brighter future.
One of my favourite images with cats :
<A HREF =;Photosig