Somewhere in the North-West
Was in Norway last summer with three friends and bycicles. Great trip! I'm going to put here some nice pfotoes from our jorney. Also may be I'll put some photoes from Russia :)
  • Nikon
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  • Blender-
  • Lukker1/125s
  • FilmtypeDigital
  • Nei
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  • KategoriNatur
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  • Visninger156
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Allan K.

Fint bilde, Andy.
Hvor er det tatt?

Andy P.

Alan, I'm really sorry but I don't understand Norwegian :( Could you please be so kind and write in English? Thank you in advance.

Ketil K.

Nice landscape! Think you could crop away the upper sky, inclusive the reflection star. Then you get better focus on the subject, and also a better picture format for this type of motive too. I think I would have used more contrast on the mountains in the background. A little hard lighting too - this type of picture is generally better to take in low morning or evening light.
Andy P.

Good point, Ketil. I mean - about the hard lighting. I was forced to increase saturation of blue color to get the sky blue.
Allan K.

On which location have you shot this picture?

Andy P.

This picture was made not far from Gryllefjor (second picture), about 5-10 kilometers. I'm actually not sure I can now say more sharp about location... I need to check a map, will do it today's evening and post a result here
Andy P.

Sorry for the delay, now I've got it. It was made on the road 86 on the North-west coast of the SENJA Island between villages Hamn and Ballesvika. Is that enough? :)
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