This is photo from my summer bicycle trip across north Norway. Last day I was in Norway we climbed up the mountain near the Tromso. This is a view from the mountain to the city. There was already about 12 PM so it's kinda dark. But thanks to the polar day it's so dark as it could be :) Great city by the way, one of the most wonderfull places I've ever been.
  • Nikon
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  • Blender-
  • Lukker1/15s
  • FilmtypeDigital
  • Nei
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  • KategoriNatur
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  • Visninger79
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A nice view of Tromsø Andy, however the fact that you have made the shot during dusk. I think you have lost some of the contrast and colours, which obviously is there. Most probably you may be able to adjust some of it in the processing software, but you will never be able to simulate perfect conditions. However it si a great documentation of the scenery and a good memory from our travel. At the end, I think some of your other pictures on this site are really nice.
Andy P.

Thanks for commentary. Yes, you are right, picture was made at the midnight. I spent about an hour trying to make the picture more colorfull and bright but it seems this is the best I could get. Climbing op the mountain took much more time than we expected so we were on the top only by the night. Of course we could wait for a morning but that would not be a good idea - there was windy weather and we was only in light summer wear :)
And you are 100% right about good memory. I took about 1000 photoes from Norway and from time to time spent a few minutes looking at them :) Nice time, great trip. I'm sure I'll repeat this, may be next summer..
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