stanley cathedral, falklands
  • pentax k1000
  • 2-22f, 50 mm
  • Blenderf/2.0
  • Lukker1/15s
  • Filmtypekodak elite chrome
  • Nei
  • Annetdeveloping slide til paper gives you colour saturasjon that you may be able to manipulate at will during the process in a lab.
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriAbstrakt
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger99
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Kritikker (2)
Kristoffer S.

Jeg skjønner ikke bildet. Uskarpt og tullete etter min smak. Har du noen tanke bak bildet?
Marcos p.

there are 2 reasons, for the blurring, kris: a)the image offers a new reading without focus, you don't see a vitreau inside a cathedral you see colours in void. b) this foto is taken without support in slow speed, ergo.
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