Black Swan
  • Minolta Dimaze Z1
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Anne-Marit M.

Har du vært i Australia?
Ann F.

On the background of your profile that is written in English, and the fact that all your titles are also in English, I choose to write in English to you. Even though you - for all I know - speak Norwegian as well as the next guy.

Or you might have been to The Azores, where I've seen and photographed these birds.
Funny to see them, feels like looking at a negative of a well-known species.
I would have trimmed the photo from the top till below the reflection in the top of the frame, and also slightly from the right to avoid some of the burnt-out glare in the water.
The photo also seems to be a bit overexposed and would benefit from a slight curve adjustment of the darker shades.
Rgds, Ann
Kostas S.

Hi and thanks for the comments!!

No I haven't been in Australia the picture is taken in Azores.

Ann I took another photo of the birds in the way that you're describing and i will put it in the future..

but the problem is that the other photo hasn't that expession of the swan as this one...

tha's how i chose this one.

thanks again for your comments.

Dino S
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