I have purchased a new lense. It has been rainy and bad weather, this is one of the first shots, had to shoot through the window, didn´t like to bring my new lense out. He was sitting on the window -sill behind my kitchen window asking more food.
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Strålende bilde og sikkert artig å komme over et sånt motiv!
Litt pirk at øyet og snute ikke er helt i fokus.
Mvh Nina
Steinulf L.
Congratulations with your new lens. Looking forward to seeing the pictures you take with it. This particular picture suffers somewhat from being taken through the window, but is still fine. The lack of sharpness is mentioned.
Marja K.
Tack Nina. Thank you Steinulf, I´m very happy about my new lense :)
Odd Arild E.
Artig bilde- og bra selv gjennom vinduet.
Odd A
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Litt pirk at øyet og snute ikke er helt i fokus.
Mvh Nina
Odd A