Oslo- en dag i mars
  • fujifilm S304
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Kritikker (4)
Georg K.

Like the hard light - nice early in the year sunlight mood.
Problems - in my eyes - are :
The composition seems a bit - hmm - unorganized.
The trashcan covering half of the in my view more attractive bike - and especially the lettering on the can takes a lot of attention.
I would try to straighten up the can, increase the dark areas ( shadow ) a bit, and maybe try to cut a bit on the left side.
Sounds negative - but it's not supposed to be.

What I really like is the mood - is the combination of grey and brown tones - early in the year - eagerly waiting for the green coming along with more sun.

Like the sense of vision you have - here same as in the last image - a bit more work in PS fks. can increase this impression a lot - again, my view.
Unn Kathrin V.

Thank you for your serious critics :)
I'm still on the amateur level but would like to know more!
This picture was taken with my old camera, a Fujifilm S304.
And the scene in this picture was ''just there and then'', so I didn't think much more than ''I have to take this picture before the birds fly''! :)
How to fix the picture afterwards in PS I don't know very much about...
But as I said, still learning :)
Georg K.

That's what is all about - and - everyone here has been starting at one point.

Don't know if it helps you something - but there are a few pages with some more - or less helpful tips around PS :


http://www.eyesondesign.net/ - from a Foto.No member - Nina Andersen - great gallery

If you look around here - there are a few members really helpful - and skilled.
Often it is possible to simply send a mail to them and ask for advise.

But I also believe that it is good just to go out and take pictures - it is more important to try again and again to catch what you see, and what is of interest for you - the rest will come step by step - with some frustrations along the way :)

Photoshop can cover endless nights - almost endless options.

One very last sentence - something what has been working for me very good - just write a few comments here and there.

In this part of Foto.no - Bildegalleri it is absolute accepted to come without a great and cpl. review - but it gives so much ideas - and often people will come back and give you some input etc.
I'm not trying make advertise this page - most people here are actually really interested to share ( sorry - must sound like an old teacher ).

have a great weekend :)

Avsluttet .

Jeg synes dette var et interessant bilde jeg. Jeg hadde i hvertfall aldri tenkt på å velge motiv på denne måten. Kreativt og interessant! Bra!
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