fly, fly, fly away
  • Canon 20D
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  • Blender-
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Kritikker (3)
Georg K.

In general I do like a lot of what you are doing. Often I feel some kind of '' right away'' sympathy for your choices of views, spots and places.
So this little work - the image has without doubt the potential to communicate these moments of enhanced watching - or observation.
To me it is still kind of fascinating to see birds fly - off, leaving places within our reach simply behind.
A kind of image often connected to or desire for changes etc. - and to me also always part of the fascination of this for us unreachable dimension - moving in the air.
Despite this sympathy, I'm not really convinced by this photo; too indifferent are the direction of the crowd, and probably due to the line of trees in the lower part of the image still too bound to the ground.
I like the effect of reduction by the use of grain, and the starting point with the upper parts of the trees only, instead of showing their connection with the ground.
Without being able to really prove it - I think the image would have been better with less trees, and so a higher concentration on the birds.
Nevertheless - as idea and use of the atmosphere - it is an at least interesting photo - and I like the style you have used.
Avsluttet .

Jeg liker dette! Helt enkelt og fint.

Komposisjonen som utsnittet er med på å lage sitter som det skal. Liker også at det ikke er farger.


Stine J.

Bra bilde av fuglene i siluett med trærne i bunn. Liker s/h arbeidet her og korningen gir interesse til bilde. Helt etter min smak dette!

mvh Stine
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