En pen jente som satt utenfor en cafè.
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  • 18-70mm
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  • Blenderf/4.5
  • Lukker1/1600s
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Avsluttet .

hva er det med folk her inne???? fem og tredve som har sett bilde men ingen kommentarer? klarer ikke folk skille gode å dårlige bilderr?
dette er et av de beste..... kanskje det beste portrette jeg har sett inne på
... er det meg det er noe gærnt med?

synes bilde har en helt magisk energi.....
klarer ikke løsrive meg fra det.....
som iskrem i mine øyne.....
fløyelsmykt og tiltrekkende....
et underfundig øyeblikk du har klart å fange....
jeg blir nyskjerrig på hvem jenta i bilde er og ikke minst hva hun tenker på.....

stå på
Georg K.

Well - one enthusiastic comment might be better than many with not too much of content :)

Now, difficult not to be challenged to see what has made Hans Frederik reacting like he did - and when reading his words by looking at the image, it makes one more time sense to me, to repeat some lines I've earlier been reading.
When different people take images from one and the same person - all images will look differently, since they are in every way also an expression of the believes, taste, needs etc. of the one behind the camera.
I think this quote makes sense here, because beside of pure technical comments, and even them are often based on the believe of the one commenting,
( how to make the image better by a higher performance in the sense I = the one commenting , believe in order to increase the images desired expression = my expectation. )
beside of this, all comments are more or less connected to feedback, means the summary of common content ( offered visual effect - matching own experience ).
Should mean, that a comment like the one from Hans Frederik is obviously very honest, very true and fun to read - since very positive, or enthusiastic.
One the other hand is probably doesn't mean that this is a better photo than others; it simply better connects in his view - and makes it brilliant image in his view.

The to me intriguing point is that this image is attracting a relative limited number of people viewing, despite the fact that the photographer is an active member, with well developed relations within this ''community'' - telling me that the visual offer is obviously not strong enough to connect on a wider level - again, no statement about quality by any means.

In many ways I tend to believe that often photography is leading to a conservative view on life - as an active photographer we are often driven by the fact to document something attracting our attention - and as a matter of fact this also means - the documentation ranks before the active participation - a point, that to my mind also explains much of the attraction the numerous bird pictures must have - here the photographer believes that she/he are actively participating.

When, and this might be the challenge of this image - when the only intention of this image actually is to show the beauty - in which there is no doubt - of this person, without trying to explain any other relation, no further expectation or request - than it appears to me as one of the more rare images - something what is documentation, but based on an active view, and presented as an personal expression - and not as an product, designed to match as many as possible expectations. ( which is then again a quality-term, since it often comes along with a significant higher complexity, something what I at least emphasis as genuine )

By saying such - it is again in my view important to at least trying to separate between own frames of what beauty is, and a more tolerant view on it - it would be an important starting point to allow such an image to grow by giving it time.

There are no other elements helping us to identify it as something we might want to subscribe too, such like lifestyle, surrounding, cool-factor, hip-factor, flirt-factor - all this is stripped away, and all there is to do is to enjoy visual offered contact with this face.
Not a statement - but an image - and as we all know, this word is a member of the family '' imagination''
So, yes - I also think that it is a good photo.
Oda Lystrup H.

utrolig fint portrett!
sart og mykt.
modellen er virkelig spesiell,
og jeg synes du har fått frem henne godt.
dette var bare kjempefint altså,
og jeg likte detveldig godt!

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