Tatt på Solastranda oktober 2003, på tur sammen med et par venninner. Nydelig solnedgang!
Det er noe godt ved det, men det er kanskje ikke helt i balanse. Vanskelig å ta blider i motlys, men jeg syns dette ble helt ok. Ikke fantastisk, men ok.
  • Canon 3000
  • 28-80 (m/macro)
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriNattbilder
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger289
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Kritikker (1)
Georg K.

You have decided on the title - and so I guess this is what the image is about.
There are two main questions asking me -
First - the person pictured is very much in the centre of the image - which takes away a bit - in most cases even almost all - tension.
I would believe, that a wide open left side could make the impression you have mentioned in your title more clear.
Second - to me it seems that the strange fact that she is waking with her shoes in the water - which can't be too warm either when looking at the way she is dressed - this point takes a lot of attention - this is '''' breaking'' regular perception, because it appears as different. That’s fine, but drags the attention down to the feet - the lower one third of the image - and the face, which in most cases does get most attention is loosing the small battle - because there is not enough light on the face.
So, I like the idea with walking in the '' ocean'' - but think the image could be larger - maybe even landscape - more open - and either trying to show the person in her world ( means the face would need more - or the setting - which I like maybe better.
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