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MÜNCHEN, Germany, 23.01.2005
  • Canon PowerShot A60
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Kritikker (6)
Pål Hilmar S.

I really like this kind of commercial boards. When art is imitating life for real in a sense.
Judit W.

Thank you Pål! It's really sad that this commercial board was there only during renovation of this façade of the building. Temporary art ...

Judit :)
Espen A. I.

Hei Judit! Very funny picture. The germans is funny people I guess:)
How are the new camera? Some pictures for views?

Mvh Espen
Judit W.

Hei Espen!

Thank you for your comment :) Funny Germans? I know only some of them and they are funny – but unfortunately I don't know the artist who made this commercial board ;(

Also thanks asking me about my new camera; it is absolutely #1! It has so many functions what I still don't know – so I need to ask a month off from my boss to study more about it :) And I got the newest version of Adobe Photoshop but I still have only 24 hours per day :(

So, it takes time to post new pictures here especially that I am paralysed from all these challenges ;)

Judit :)
Birgit K.

Very funny, indeed and greatly composed!!!
Well done, Judit (0;=
Judit W.

Thank you Birgit. I always appreciate your nice words very much!

Judit :)
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