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Kritikker (7)
Christian R.

Første jeg la merke til er at det ble ett oppned kors i bakgrunnen.Det var jo litt kult.
Judit W.

Nice composition, a bit out of symmetry ;)

Do I think well that this cathedral is exactly the same you can find at the following webpages (among Kristoffer L.'s photos)?

I like reflections both on the floor and windows. Well done, good work!

Judit :)
Hege J.

Pent, litt anerledes brudebilde.
Synd at ikke symmetrien stemmer helt, da ville det vært helt topp.

Mvh Hege
Knut L.

Enig med Hege - Lekkert og anderledes bryluppsbilde med flott komp.

Kim Daniel A.

Takk folkens!

Here is some more symmetri if you want:


And yes it is from the cathedral you picked out there, some great photos he had taken!

Georg K.

ahh - there a few sparkling things in your slideshow - first one is great - and later, the two guys whispering :)
Different from Kristoffer's - but it was a different occasion too.
I often find those wedding shots very limited - but this series is actually fun to watch.
Judit W.

Thanks, Kimd! Less symmetry, more good shots :) I agree with Georg's opinion. It's fun to watch this serie :)

Judit :)
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