Referere til dette bildet andre steder på klipp og lim følgende tekst (ta med klammeparentesene): {bilde_165972} Det vil da bli automagisk laget en link til bildet fra teksten din.
Hei! Takk for kommentar på bildet mitt.. Dette var stilig, fine farger og et artig motiv! Mye rart man kan se i skogen ja..
Mvh jorunn
Judit W.
Are you both playing something stupid game? You both have exactly the same picture with totally same conditions - it's easy to check! Or you are just testing us?! Congratulations!
Lars B.
Hi Judy,
this mix happend because of an system error at when we were saveing our different pictures at the same time...
- Lars
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Mvh jorunn
Are you both playing something stupid game? You both have exactly the same picture with totally same conditions - it's easy to check! Or you are just testing us?! Congratulations!
this mix happend because of an system error at when we were saveing our different pictures at the same time...
- Lars