Vaskerommet i Auswich.
Dette er et bilde tatt igjennom et vindu inn til et av vaskerommene i Auswich. Vaskerommet ble ikke bare brukt til å vaske seg i, tyskerne henrettet også jøder her.
  • Nikon D70s
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Kritikker (3)
Mattis B.

Fantastisk flott dok-bilde. Jeg liker at du bruker s/hv, det fremhever det dystre underliggende i bildet. Dette bildet får en til å tenke uten å være avansert.

Mvh Mattis
Georg K.

my usual comment for images of this type - posted before - and still my opinion regarding the subject as motif for tourist-shots.
''....The name under this camp is known. is Auschwitz - originally Oswiecim.
Knowing that it is not popular at all - but accuracy is a MUST when talking about this area of history ( yes, it is German history – and history of human kind ) - it is a sign of respect for the ones who were kept there, the ones who died there, for thousands and thousands we use to express in numbers rather than by their names, their history, their tragedy.
I accept that my view isn't popular - still - this camp needs to be understood as something we are not able to understand at all - and I'm afraid - no image, shot during a guided tour there is able to come even close to communicate something of relevance in order to describe the unbelievable terror which took place there.
Between 1.100.00 to 1.500.000 Million people died there ( and this was just one of many camps ) - everyone of them was the daughter, son, mother, father, sister, brother, neighbor, colleague, lover of someone else.
People were brought there because they were Jews, gypsies, communists, gay, Russian, social democrats, Christians - or simply because they made jokes about their government.
No matter what number you pick, no matter what cause is the most scary one in your mind, no matter what God you might believe in, no matter what ethnic origin you are, no matter what you sexual preferences are, no matter what your political believes for the time being are - the systematic, sadistic and inhuman (?) execution of fellow humans is something which needs to reach a different level than a photo posted here before we can at least hope that History can be understood as a key to a future.
There are photographers who have never again in their life taken a picture after they went to Auschwitz after the liberation - they simply couldn't.
Are we able to walk through it nowadays, take a few images and believe that this is it ?
Is the story about the bared wire really doing justice to the knowledge that people like you and me for 5 years had to face terror; terror which is far beyond our availability to imagine ?

To give you one idea - just one idea - I think we can agree on the line that we are afraid about terror. Now - look into the words which could replace '' afraid '' - and we are not even talking about the reason of fear - just our expectation of it - we are afraid about it.

( abashed, aghast, alarmed, anxious, apprehensive, aroused, blanched, cowardly, cowed, daunted, discouraged, disheartened, dismayed, distressed, disturbed, faint-hearted, frightened, frozen, horrified, in awe, intimidated, nervous, panic-stricken, perplexed, perturbed, petrified, rattled, run scared, scared, scared stiff, shocked, spooked, startled, stunned, suspicious, terrified, terror-stricken, timid, timorous, trembling, upset, worried)

This picture - no picture is even close to it - no matter how many suggestions for improvements you will get....'
Erik B.

Vil bare applaudere Georg sin kommentar. Gode ord.

Hilsen Erik.
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