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Uvant med fargebilder fra deg. Minimalistisk og ''enkelt'' dette - med de to stolpene som hovedblikkfang. Synes kanskje det blir litt tamt, men tjaa...har nok sett ting fra deg som har fenget meg mere enn dette. Men teknisk pent er det jo da.
Hans Jacob H.
Flott plassering av elementene i bildet. Likte lagdelingen sand, vann, sand og himmel innover i bildet. De to enslige stengene litt på skeiva etter et volleyballnett (?) bryter fint og gir bildet en underlig stemning av forlatthett og tomhet. De to fjellknausene på hver side binder det sammen til en helstøpt komp. Fint lys også, synes dette var veldig bra!
Georg K.
The way I see this image is rather tanned by a very positive first reaction.
It needs to be said that I often like your landscape images quite a lot - to my mind a difficult area - it is not really easy to create landscape images transferring a mood, special character - not only a personal interpretation - but a more general taste of how landscape can appear when allowing an impression to settle, to refine and get clear.
Landscape often needs to offer something spectacular before we understand images, photos of it as special - if we are not able to see the special characteristics.
When looking at this one - the colour makes definitely a lot of sense - temperature, light is a great part of what is transported this way.
The view is a view I probably would also have spend some main attention to - an understanding of space, distance is delivered.
The left and right-hand ''frame'' finalized the ''composition'', makes the image cpl. as an idea, one completed impression of this place, spot.
View-guiding poles and a small diagonal line keep the image open - work against a dictated analyse of this place again - it is a natural spot of interest - poles in a different than regular use, look would catch attention when standing there - to use them as ''sub line'' for the logic of the image-view composition makes a lot of sense.
I actually really enjoy this one - and emphasis the image as really satisfactory.
Eirik H.
Takk for kommentarane.
Georg: As always I value your comprehensive comments and assessments. This picture, although in colour, is inteded to be the anti-thesis of the current crop of over-saturated landscape photos. Instead of screaming to the viewer I want to whisper.
Dag T.
Snodig at vi var ute i omtrent samme stille ærend omtrent samtidig. Jeg synes ditt resultat var mer spennende.
Jeg liker symmetrien og stolpene, men er litt usikker på forgrunnen som blir som et annet bilde. På den annen side skaper det jo dybde og refleksen trekker blikket opp mot stolpene.
Pent og deilig gjort. Fint med en stille plass blant alle bildene som skriker om oppmerksomheten.
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It needs to be said that I often like your landscape images quite a lot - to my mind a difficult area - it is not really easy to create landscape images transferring a mood, special character - not only a personal interpretation - but a more general taste of how landscape can appear when allowing an impression to settle, to refine and get clear.
Landscape often needs to offer something spectacular before we understand images, photos of it as special - if we are not able to see the special characteristics.
When looking at this one - the colour makes definitely a lot of sense - temperature, light is a great part of what is transported this way.
The view is a view I probably would also have spend some main attention to - an understanding of space, distance is delivered.
The left and right-hand ''frame'' finalized the ''composition'', makes the image cpl. as an idea, one completed impression of this place, spot.
View-guiding poles and a small diagonal line keep the image open - work against a dictated analyse of this place again - it is a natural spot of interest - poles in a different than regular use, look would catch attention when standing there - to use them as ''sub line'' for the logic of the image-view composition makes a lot of sense.
I actually really enjoy this one - and emphasis the image as really satisfactory.
Georg: As always I value your comprehensive comments and assessments. This picture, although in colour, is inteded to be the anti-thesis of the current crop of over-saturated landscape photos. Instead of screaming to the viewer I want to whisper.
Jeg liker symmetrien og stolpene, men er litt usikker på forgrunnen som blir som et annet bilde. På den annen side skaper det jo dybde og refleksen trekker blikket opp mot stolpene.
Pent og deilig gjort. Fint med en stille plass blant alle bildene som skriker om oppmerksomheten.