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Fint bilde hvis tanken er å fremheve bunaden. Hadde nok passet godt inn i en bunadskatalog. Fint lys og alle skjønner nok at det er jenta som står med ryggen til midt i bilde du tenker på, men jeg synes altså ikke det fungerer som noe annet enn et bunadsbilde.
Gareth M.
Thanks for the comments. I agree with the thoughts - its a shame I wasn't able to catch more of the embroidery on all of the dresses though it was a spare of the moment capture and looks more natural. Great Spring light.
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Thanks for the comments. I agree with the thoughts - its a shame I wasn't able to catch more of the embroidery on all of the dresses though it was a spare of the moment capture and looks more natural. Great Spring light.