En siste sjekk i speilet før forestillingen
Dette er et bilde av Linn Miriam- dere vet- hun som spilte i Nissenrevyen i år ;)
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Kritikker (2)
Georg K.

Scott - to my mind - it doesn't really work.
Now - to my mind - from what I see when looking through your portfolio - you a kind of open-minded guy - doing a lot of different stuff - using the moment, instead of getting stuck in one idea, one mood, one possible expression only - very communicative etc. - so, I hope that this statement will not break your motivation :) ( I think I know that it will not )
The idea is ok - the girl is pretty - the pose is, hmm - lets say ''småfrekk'' enough to believe that you have an image.
But to my mind it is too much concentrated on the effect - and doesn't really show anything consequent enough.
Both sides - mirror - and ''real'' person are so much out of focus ( I know, intentionally ) that it is hard to devote attention, concentration to ''get'' the image.
My eyes got stuck first at the details of the mirror - ok - but this isn't what you wanted I assume.
It is not that the image is absolute wrong - but with all the potential it has - to my mind it doesn't really deliver - and the last exit, retro style - I don't buy - since this isn't consequent enough either.
Retro-elements subjects yes - retro toning also - but retro quality ?
To my mind the image main problem, challenge is to be named in composition - it is too wide for a portrait only, it has a too strong influence by the details of the mirror ( see the small part from it close to her cheek ) and it doesn't work enough with her face, pose.
You could say - it should just give the impression of a moment, to create a situation where the viewer is picking up - want to see more - is starting own thoughts about this subject ( as you posted it under reklame ) - but even though - I think you could have gotten much more out of it.

But this is just one opinion - not a general judgement - ok ?
Terje K.

Hei Scott

Et artig motiv med potensial, som etter min mening ikke blir helt topp ;) Ville hatt fokus på ansiktet i speilet (virkelig fin mine) Har retropreg, som jeg liker, men som sagt nå finner jeg ikke noe som jeg kan kvile øynene på.
For all del ikke noe dårlig bilde...har også noe snapshot aktig over seg.

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