  • Nikon Nikon d 70
  • Nikon 18-70mm.
  • Blender-
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Kritikker (4)
Georg K.

good one - mye bra here - seems like for ''real'' not set up - which adds a lot to the image - especially when looking at the various people in the image.
Great with the moving, running guy with motion-blur.
Like the colour - and of course the monotone patterns in the ground, interrupted by the reddish leaves laying around.
The higher end of the image is probably the most critical - it seems tempting to aim for an image, solely based on the ground in the main - part - but you are ending up in a cropping-conflict ( head of the guy higher right, top of the pole etc. )
Really like the whole setting - impression - mood - but still think that the higher end isn't optimal. ( Which is clearly personal taste )
Stein Oleiv B.

EKSTREMT flotte farge. likte tonene og vinkelen. likte bildet.
Lars-Anders M.

Fotballtennis. Slikt derv jeg med i min ungdomstid. Bra bilde. Stå på.
Jørn Tore K.

Tusen takk for innsiktsfulle kommentarer. Bildet er tatt på en kunstskole i Budapest. Fotolinja består av 6 elever og læreren mener det var to for mye!
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