Referere til dette bildet andre steder på klipp og lim følgende tekst (ta med klammeparentesene): {bilde_186989} Det vil da bli automagisk laget en link til bildet fra teksten din.
Wow, fantastisk lys! Virkelig flotte fargetoner, som skaper et veldig stemningsfult uttrykk. Flott positur på modellen. Liker at det ikke er helt skarpt, det skaper bevegelse og handling.
Dette var flott :)
Georg K.
Can't really see how Bitesnich comes into this as reference ?
Personally I find it often very hard to really get an impression about an image, showing a human body in more or less naked condition - without including the head - and more important the face.
n the plus for such an approach I'm able to see that the image's qualities in terms of subject presentation must be more precise, stronger - better.
Also more attention will be paid automatically towards the pose, language of the body shown.
The point of subject presentation is solved in a way which I believe can be appreciated ( not saying that depending on each and everyones understanding, vision etc. a ''different'' images would have been better ) - while I'm not so convinced about the models expression.
At least for me there is no immediate response, reaction, understanding of the pose - opposite to the images of your mentioned reference - who has - as far as I remember have seen, integrated a very powerful element of acting as equivalent for the missing main contact-point - a face when picturing humans - and especially naked humans.
As a starting point I like the brownish, none-sharp look of the photo - including the large areas of undefined shadows - but I think there is a fair risk that the way you have treated this might end up in a kind of muddy look.
Plus I'm not really sure if I understand the similarities of tones in the wood and on her back as something positive - it seems that the image is loosing some depth by doing so.
Just a few thoughts around it - it is certainly interesting - but something I'm seeing with a lit of question-marks.
Avsluttet .
Teknisk er det betydelig overredigert, med ujevne og «kladdete» toneforløp.
Innholdsmessig får jeg dessverre fint lite ut av det, men det kan jo være meg...
Marcus R.
Jeg skjønner hva du er ute etter å skape her (uttrykks-messig altså) og det fungerer greit på avstand, men ved nærmere inspeksjon så skjemmes det litt av PS-arbeidet.
Egentlig litt samme problem som forrige bilde av samme slag. Forstod det på dine kommentarer der at du har bruk dodge/burn rett på bildet. Prøv heller å utforske de ulike metodene for ''non-destructive'' bearbeiding, altså adjustment-layers og kopierte effekt-lag med ulike blending-nodes etc. Tror du vil kunne oppnå bedre resultater ved å eksprimentere med slike ''indirekte'' effekter.
For å peke på noe konkret: spesielt nedre korsrygg, rompa og øvre delene av lårene bærer preg av pensel-bruk, om enn i mindre grad enn i ditt forrige bilde.
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Dette var flott :)
Personally I find it often very hard to really get an impression about an image, showing a human body in more or less naked condition - without including the head - and more important the face.
n the plus for such an approach I'm able to see that the image's qualities in terms of subject presentation must be more precise, stronger - better.
Also more attention will be paid automatically towards the pose, language of the body shown.
The point of subject presentation is solved in a way which I believe can be appreciated ( not saying that depending on each and everyones understanding, vision etc. a ''different'' images would have been better ) - while I'm not so convinced about the models expression.
At least for me there is no immediate response, reaction, understanding of the pose - opposite to the images of your mentioned reference - who has - as far as I remember have seen, integrated a very powerful element of acting as equivalent for the missing main contact-point - a face when picturing humans - and especially naked humans.
As a starting point I like the brownish, none-sharp look of the photo - including the large areas of undefined shadows - but I think there is a fair risk that the way you have treated this might end up in a kind of muddy look.
Plus I'm not really sure if I understand the similarities of tones in the wood and on her back as something positive - it seems that the image is loosing some depth by doing so.
Just a few thoughts around it - it is certainly interesting - but something I'm seeing with a lit of question-marks.
Innholdsmessig får jeg dessverre fint lite ut av det, men det kan jo være meg...
Egentlig litt samme problem som forrige bilde av samme slag. Forstod det på dine kommentarer der at du har bruk dodge/burn rett på bildet. Prøv heller å utforske de ulike metodene for ''non-destructive'' bearbeiding, altså adjustment-layers og kopierte effekt-lag med ulike blending-nodes etc. Tror du vil kunne oppnå bedre resultater ved å eksprimentere med slike ''indirekte'' effekter.
For å peke på noe konkret: spesielt nedre korsrygg, rompa og øvre delene av lårene bærer preg av pensel-bruk, om enn i mindre grad enn i ditt forrige bilde.