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Kritikker (4)
Kyuja B.

Many thanks to my housband, Ioannis Lelakis, for inspiring me!

The picture is taken in Rishikesh, North India.

The camera and lens I used is not state of the art, but I feel I got a good connection with the man.
Oddrun B.

Et flott potrett. Synes du har veldig god kontakt med mannen.
Intense øyne, likte dette veldig godt.
Er litt usikker hvilken versjon jeg liker best,liker godt fargene i V1 og utsnittet i V2 :)
Liker begge to slik de er nå:)

Mvh Oddrun
Georg K.

there are a few, very few moments during a longer period when fear is loosing it's grip on me - the fear to grow older and older every day - even though in the best of all cases we all do - it is in this society, were youth is the everything dominating value - it is almost like a stigma.
And I'm not overdoing it when telling you that your image has triggered such a moment.
When looking at your alternative version - V2 - this fear is scared away by an incredible picture of dignity - maybe wisdom ( as long as wisdom is simply the sum of many experiences ) - an aged face - not dominated by fear or shame - a straight view, an open view - without trying to charm or pretend.
Depending on what everyone believes is important to search, keep or longing for - the way of reading this face also can lead to confidence, faith and is therefore probably best described as noble.
( and it is not even the face of an old man - it is just not a young man anymore )
Seriously touching.
John Andre A.

I agree with Mr Klammt here..V2 leaves me with at totally different impression. It is simply stunning and it seems you and your husband has loads of good work to present!
V2 by far and looking forward to more from you:-)
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