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Hei Nils. Fin ide og fin komposisjon. Fine farger og fin stemning. Jeg tror bildet hadde blitt enda bedre om hele veggen hadde vært i fokus. Jeg er enig i at du burde ha dekket til vinduet på den andre siden av hytta.
Georg K.
quiet frank - this photo is boring - at least in my opinion.
I can understand that you enjoyed the mood of the moment - and turning around and take the shot of the subject-reflection in the mirror of the window-glass seems better than the straight forward approach - but the perspective is flat - there are too many irritations in the glass - the angle seems absolute not pleasing - the wall doesn't show the same mood - it appears like an image of a picture hanging at a wall...
Nothing personal but I think if you like the setting you might just want to try more play with different settings etc. there is certainly more to get than this result.
Henrik S.
Ifall du tvättar rutan, täcker genomlyset och fotar nedifrån så du får en mer symetrisk bild så blir det nog en kjempeflott för att uttrycka mig norsk.
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I can understand that you enjoyed the mood of the moment - and turning around and take the shot of the subject-reflection in the mirror of the window-glass seems better than the straight forward approach - but the perspective is flat - there are too many irritations in the glass - the angle seems absolute not pleasing - the wall doesn't show the same mood - it appears like an image of a picture hanging at a wall...
Nothing personal but I think if you like the setting you might just want to try more play with different settings etc. there is certainly more to get than this result.