I think it's the best macro picture I ever took.
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A wery nice picture of a butterfly i think. I would like some more color on it.

Best Regards

Shirly R.

thanks for your comment! Some colour would be nice indeed, but sadly this butterfly didn't have any.
thomas m.

Very very nice! Perfect sharpness, I agree with Tommy, you could saturate it a bit more, but like this is it nice as well..:-) One of the best butterfly-pics I have seen this far..:-)
mvh, T M
Jorun Kristin N.

Hi Shirly!
Beautiful butterfly, nice colour.
Morten Andre N.

great shot! I like the cutting, the butterfly is placed perfectly and makes a nice diagonal through the picture. The sharpness of the wings are excellent, you can see all the nice details. Maybe a little more sharpness on the body would be nice, but I'm still impressed :)

Well done Shirly

Shirly R.

Thanks for de comments, I appreciate it very much!! :)
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