Mood of a storm...
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Kritikker (4)
John Andre A.

Looks like a windy day ''at the office'':-)
first of all, I like the use of light in this photo! it really brings out the colors!
this might be impossible to do something about now, but I would have loved to see her more to the left in the picture, thus including more of her hair, and bringer her a little of out center.
did you also shoot some pics with the vail flowing in the wind?

Nice photo and the expression is seductive and good!

Marlene Grevle H.

spennende, litt uskarpt, men ellers veldig flott posering og farger.
jeg likte faktisk at du hadde rundet av kantene, selv om det er en ting jeg vanligvis ikke synes er så flott.
Avsluttet .

every time i check my bookmarks, i am happy that i bookmarked you the first time your picture astonished me, you have been doing a great job this summer.. really nice this one two, how did you set the light, its not only a blitz, right?

erling pande
Espen Stranger S.

Really like the vintage colours.
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