Three old oaks
He doesn't know yet, but I will get married under these old fellows!
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Erlend G.

Et nydelig bilde, men det tetter seg kansje litt igjen nede på høyre side.

kåre l.

Flott bilde som gjerne kan henge opp/ned, eller med hvilken som helst kant opp.
Kanskje en liten beskjæring på høyre side der hvor tre #4 såvidt kommer innenfor bildekanten.
Ps... Gift... er noe du har vært eller tar... c'',)
thomas m.

Hey Shirly!
Nice picture, fine details and good composition. Like Kåre said before could you maybe cut a little from the right side becouse tree #4 becomes visible there.. :-) Who do you have in mind to marry under that tree? :-P
Oaks is something we rarely have here in comparance to Holland, so the picture gives a nice impression of the Dutch forrests. :-)

mvh, T M
Shirly R.

Hee Thomas,

There is no tree #4, ist a perfect spot with three single tree's, very big, very old, very wise:)
Can't say who will be under that tree, but if you walk down that spot someday in the comming ten years and you still want to know, just search for my name on the stem :-).
(if it's not there you better pay me a visit because i'll be probebly crying my eyes out at that point haha)
Do you mind translate the other comment for me?

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