la noia i l'ocell
Composition of 2 pictures(both done by me) in 1 using a glass reflection, there is not laboratory manipulation, i love the original convencional way to create pictures.
  • Canon EOS 1V
  • Tamron 28-300
  • Blender-
  • FilmtypeFujifilm
  • Nei
  • AnnetGlass reflection between 2 pictures
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriManipulasjon
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger574
  • Nøkkelord
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Kritikker (6)
torben w.

de to første bildene er bedre! fikk ikke frem det mystiske i dette. ble litt tomt og platt. jeg får minner om posters fra 80tallet. sorry mack, just being honest :) men igjen.... teknikken skjønner jeg forsatt ikke. heldigvis har jeg mye (alt!) å lære...
Marcelo V.

que tipo de tecnica usas?, yo opino igual que Torben me gustaria que explicaras un poco como lo haces, me puedes enviar un mail si lo deseas.
Jeg lurer på hva slags teknik du bruker? jeg synes som Torben, og kunne tenke meg du kunne forklare litt hvordan du gjør dette, gjerne via mail.
Ferran C.

Honestly this one is the most i like it, well, not only because is the first one that i used a woman body, but because of this woman body laying down and at the same time this bird flying up, both in the same shape,the title in english ''Lady Bird''.....
Lars-Gøran M.

This one i found really to overwealming.I think both the coulour intensity and the woman comparity makes it a bit to intense.
Bjørn Erik O.

fine farver i bakgrunden
Helge Øyvind H.

Very nice! Indeed! Looks like you're not the kind of guy to retuch it in photoshop =) Unfortunatly though. I would have cloned away the bright spots of her legs in the left corner. I would then see the bird at once, and the lady upon closer examination. But very nice!
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