la venus del nord
Composition of 2 pictures(both done by me) in 1 using a glass reflection, there is not laboratory manipulation, i love the original convencional way to create pictures.
  • Canon EOS 1V
  • Tamron 28-300
  • Blender-
  • FilmtypeFujifilm
  • Nei
  • Annetglass reflection between two pictures
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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  • KategoriManipulasjon
  • Lastet opp
  • Visninger850
  • Nøkkelord
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Kritikker (12)
Tor H.

A bit messy I think.
torben w.

liker dette. spennende uttrykk i bildene. hadde jeg ikke lest hva du hadde gjort, ville jeg sverget på at det var photo shop manipulasjon. det er det ikke, så dette er jævelig spennende. blir nysgjerrig på teknikken her... gode bilder som ikke så alt for ofte dukker opp. spent å se på videre arbeid du presenterer.

Bjørn H.

Very nice,nice work!!!

Torgeir E.

Marcelo V.

Exelente el trabajo fotografico! Esta foto tiene un caracter artistico de buena calidad.

Meget bra fotografisk arbeid. Dette bildet har et kunstnerisk karakter av god kvalitet.
Ferran C.

Thank you very much to every body for the critics, the same if you like it or if you don't, i'm just starting to show out some of my pictures and all the critics will help me, so i really value them.
I has been picturing arround since i was 15, just as a hobbye, now i have the feeling and the illussion to try to expose to the people.
Ottar J.

Jeg har problemer med en del av de ''erotiske'' bildene på Dette synes jeg er fint. Det har fotografisk kunstneriske kvaliterer i tillegg til at det viser (antyder?) former som fotografer (menn?) i kunstens og fotografiens historie har vært opptatt av.
Lars-Gøran M.

It is funny how you can tell that this picture is not taken by a norwegian.Has to be somethimg with the complexity of shapes and the colours. Beautiful!!
Ferran C.

Thanks Lars, but i guess that you missundertod the explanation. In all my compositions i use two diferent pictures to create one, now for exemple i'm working between naked bodies and diferent themes as a background, well then, this two pictures are done by my self, (except this one that we are talking about, the background has been done for my sister's boyfriend, they just got the first baby and i just wanted to surprise them), what i just mean is that i don't take pictures from the magazines, internet, post cards, etc....
Anyway the theme, the envoirement, the light, tones of the picture......are much closer to norway than spain, you don't think so? must be the three years living in this rainy, cold but beautiful country, beleave me i'm feel more creative here than in spain and is not any depressive reaccion consequence....
ei! just smile.... she is norwegien...

Tove H.

I liked this a lot too. Beautiful.
Aleksander J.

Quite different than many of the other nude pics to be find on this site.
An original, a bit surrealistic (Dali-like), well composed and interesting piece of work.
Kent Johnny D.

I like your pictures wery much. It reminds me on some of my favorite painter; Salvador Dali.
I have no idea on how you do this,but it looks like it's you'r specialty.

Good. Regards Kent J
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