Well, here it comes something diferent than my latest pictures, it was sometime ago in a forest fire in Spain....
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Kritikker (12)
Jostein M.

Hi Ferran!
This was a powerfull picture. I really like the contrast between the water and the skies. ACTION.
Regards Jostein
May-Lise L.

My first reaction was ''Where is the woman?'', my second ''Fantastic!'' Not because of the lack of the woman, but because of the colours and the composition. Great pic!
Nils B.

I must agree with Jostein and May-lise, it is powerfull and the colours and coposition is nice.
mvh Nils
Bjørn H.

Agree with the rest....great picture!!!

Roy S.

Dramatic and interesing picture.
Torbjørn L.

Nice :)


Torunn B.

Very dramatic. I hope they managed to put the fire out. You have caught the density of the clouds very precisely and autenthetically. And the colours strenghtens my impression. Putting the helicopter up in the corner gives me also a feeling of dimension. Very good and powerful picture.

Torunn :-)
Kent O.

Powerfull and dramatic. Nice balanced colours.
Arvid B.

I surely like the picture, (should have liked to take it myself) ;-)

Thorfinn B.

John G.

Hello Ferran!
I like the colours and the exitement! But, I miss a little room on the upper edge. BUT, it's not easy to always have it both ways :-)...
lars morgan k.

This was nicely captured Ferran, the composition underlines the mowement of the helikopter, you caught the moment on the spot when the waterdrop has the most dramatic effect. A little more green in the lower parts would have hightened the image, but I am content with what you have presented.

yours sincerely
Lars Morgan
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