it was many years ago, one of my first portrets, a daughter of a friend of mine, she was twelve then, but her naturallity against the camera and her mature expresion really capted me.
  • minolta 7000
  • tamron 70-210
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • AnnetI just remember it was summer, in the harbour.
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Kritikker (15)
Torbjørn L.

A bit un-sharp, but very nice! :)


Bjørn H.

Agree with Mr.Laundal here..
A very seducing eyelook.
Very nice!!

Torunn B.

A beautiful portrait. Very natural. Even if I don't know the girl, I sense that you have caught her personality, which seems to be very strong. A little unsharp, yes, but the colours and the impression are very good.

Torunn :-)
Ken L.

Exeptional contact with the camera... beautiful portrait!!
Bjørn H.

And again...amazing look!!!
Just falling in love...

Avsluttet .

Beautifull, pure, youth, sun........yeah it works fine :-)
Ferran C.

Takk til alle, she would be so glad listen at you.
Til T.B., you are right, behind that sweet face, it was and strong girl, she had not easy child life.
Torunn B.

Ferran - you should send the picture and our comments to her then, if possible. Keep up the good work :)

Torunn :-)
Avsluttet .

-Kalle :o)
Ferran C.

Til T.B:
Thanks.She got a big texturized ampliation, maybe i will see her again this summer, it has been some years we lost the contact, but ofcourse i would like show her all the coments and take more pictures of her, she must be nineteen now.
Jostein M.

A beautifuk portrett. I like that the picture is not so sharp. It makkes the girl more ''mystisk''. Sorry for my Norwegian/English.
Roy S.

I like it. Nice expresion. Maybe a little croping on the left side, to create some more dynamic and awoid centering ?
Toini B.

Nice and warm portrait:-)
Carl Martin N.

Hege Helen R.

I agree she has a naturallity for the camera, and you caught her in the right moment.
saludos Hege
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