Referere til dette bildet andre steder på klipp og lim følgende tekst (ta med klammeparentesene): {bilde_246863} Det vil da bli automagisk laget en link til bildet fra teksten din.
Tett utsnitt, ingen opplysninger om sted og bakgrunn gir betrakteren mulighet for å lage sin egen historie knyttet til dette. Kompakt boform, fritidsbolig, på et øde sted, i en storby??? Til tross for synlig forfall er det en viss skjønnhet i de mønstede gardinene, beboeren ser rimelig rein ut i bekledningen og ser ut til å høre til der. Synes det er en god skildring som kanskje ikke trenger tilleggsopplysninger for å fungere.
Mvh Arnstein
S. N.
takk for kommentar :)
hilsen silje
anne g.
hei! skjønner at du er usikker! egentlig et godt bilde, synes jeg. men jeg opplever krasj mellom eksteriøret og mannen! alt er så utrolig flott og poetisk, både i mønsterene, flatene og fargene. for meg er mannen problemet!! han stemmer liksom ikke med resten. hilsen anne
Arne S.
Bildet forteller sin historie. Rammene er slitte og fine. Mannen er typete. Men motivet som helhet blir likevel midt på treet.
S. N.
Takk for kommentarer, AG og AS, setter pris på responsen. Tenker vel selv at deler av bildet fungerer fint (fasade, farger, fyr) - mens andre deler (måten de tre f-ene er stablet sammen på og .. innholdet) halter litt. Og er i tvil om summen av pluss og minus ;) Silje
Chr. G.
Tja, jeg vet ikke helt. Mannen er litt for trøkt opp i venstre kant - og midt på bildet. Linjene, og kanskje flere av elementene, spiller ikke på lag og jeg oppdager ikke rytmen/flyten. At han ser på deg tror jeg heller ikke bidrar positivt. Fine farger.
Georg K.
Interesting to read the posted comments - interesting because obviously all comments have such a different starting point than the one I find the most intriguing.
This is fun, since it actually really widens the view, and serves in this way the purpose of your posting, as well as the efforts made in response to it.
Anyhow - starting from a very different point - I think the image works - to use this phrase.
It works, because I do not really see the poetry, the kind of romance - I see more a picture of disillusion and a dishearten man.
Looking at it this way, means that there isnt an unfinished line, there isnt a brake in logic, in presentation in perception whatsoever.
In this way it is a complete image a natural setting, environment in which the overall impression is identically with the images expression.
One might say that this is a negative view, a pessimistic way of approaching other peoples life but perception is based on what we believe we can refer too as knowledge, while most likely for the most of us, it is a good mix of knowledge and experience, as well as trained skills ( patterns from raising up etc. ).
Looking at the fact, how and what type of jacket this man is wearing, his resting position at the balcony the outdated style and appearance of curtains, paint, windows, windowframe the remains on the floor of the area in front of the window all of this sums up to something what needs to be understood as something, best described with in a need of attention .
People in general care very little about others; belonging to the ones missing this taking care off, stop caring step by step.
Aging is making the effect of this lifestyle often more visible.
It sounds quite tough; but it is not meant in a condemnatory way, it is probably more a description of what this image really triggers in me when looking at it it actually has the potential to cause compassion.
That might be wrong as an emotional response, since not the right response to a fellow human being but it is the starting point of exploring my response while the second step would be a logical
examination if the image is confirming it in style, technique consequence etc.
Would I see a none-confirmation, I might would change my perception, response or the image doesnt has the potential to really express something but simply picture something in a more random fashion.
Interesting and as said it works for me different starting point and no romance :), since I'm not falling in love with stuff only because it is old.
And as a return qeuestion - what do you mean, say with ''tre-f-ene'' ?
Chr. G.
Interesting to read Mr. Klammts' comment, indeed.
S. N.
Takk til begge for kommentarer.
Alltid spennende å lese dine lange betraktninger, GK, og at bildet funker - med dine briller på :)
Det er interessant å se at et bilde kan oppfattes så forskjellig - og en av hovedgrunnene til at jeg fortsetter å legge ut bilder på Jeg vet ikke om jeg har lyst å forklare hva jeg tenkte selv, for bildet må nesten få stå på egne bein. Kanskje den egentlige svakheten med bildet er at jeg ikke er helt sikker selv på hva jeg ville formidle - og at det er noe av det som gjør at bildet for flere av dere ikke fremstår overbevisende - at elementene ikke spiller på lag?
....og de tre f-ene var en vel kryptisk referanse til bokstavrimet (the alliteration) i den første parantesen, altså Fasade, Farger, Fyr.
Du må være logget inn for å kunne kommentere bildene på
Mvh Arnstein
hilsen silje
This is fun, since it actually really widens the view, and serves in this way the purpose of your posting, as well as the efforts made in response to it.
Anyhow - starting from a very different point - I think the image works - to use this phrase.
It works, because I do not really see the poetry, the kind of romance - I see more a picture of disillusion and a dishearten man.
Looking at it this way, means that there isnt an unfinished line, there isnt a brake in logic, in presentation in perception whatsoever.
In this way it is a complete image a natural setting, environment in which the overall impression is identically with the images expression.
One might say that this is a negative view, a pessimistic way of approaching other peoples life but perception is based on what we believe we can refer too as knowledge, while most likely for the most of us, it is a good mix of knowledge and experience, as well as trained skills ( patterns from raising up etc. ).
Looking at the fact, how and what type of jacket this man is wearing, his resting position at the balcony the outdated style and appearance of curtains, paint, windows, windowframe the remains on the floor of the area in front of the window all of this sums up to something what needs to be understood as something, best described with in a need of attention .
People in general care very little about others; belonging to the ones missing this taking care off, stop caring step by step.
Aging is making the effect of this lifestyle often more visible.
It sounds quite tough; but it is not meant in a condemnatory way, it is probably more a description of what this image really triggers in me when looking at it it actually has the potential to cause compassion.
That might be wrong as an emotional response, since not the right response to a fellow human being but it is the starting point of exploring my response while the second step would be a logical
examination if the image is confirming it in style, technique consequence etc.
Would I see a none-confirmation, I might would change my perception, response or the image doesnt has the potential to really express something but simply picture something in a more random fashion.
Interesting and as said it works for me different starting point and no romance :), since I'm not falling in love with stuff only because it is old.
And as a return qeuestion - what do you mean, say with ''tre-f-ene'' ?
Alltid spennende å lese dine lange betraktninger, GK, og at bildet funker - med dine briller på :)
Det er interessant å se at et bilde kan oppfattes så forskjellig - og en av hovedgrunnene til at jeg fortsetter å legge ut bilder på Jeg vet ikke om jeg har lyst å forklare hva jeg tenkte selv, for bildet må nesten få stå på egne bein. Kanskje den egentlige svakheten med bildet er at jeg ikke er helt sikker selv på hva jeg ville formidle - og at det er noe av det som gjør at bildet for flere av dere ikke fremstår overbevisende - at elementene ikke spiller på lag?
....og de tre f-ene var en vel kryptisk referanse til bokstavrimet (the alliteration) i den første parantesen, altså Fasade, Farger, Fyr.