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A pirate life for me
Fikk i oppgave på skolen å lage en interiørreportasje fra der vi bor... serien min er tatt i kollektivet jeg deler med 3 andre jenter.
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Kritikker (1)
Georg K.

# 4 - I do not really understand the composition ?
As I have seen a few of your images posted here, I do believe that I at least have a minimum understanding of how you see - and you ''translate'' into images.
Of course not really understanding - but the kind of hint, the believe that how ever vague it might be, that there is more than a random way to picturing something.
Except the variation of shapes - and the kind of reflection-dominating flag - I can't really get much out of this - which anyhow wouldn't be the most critical point.
For my taste too strong, without telling enough - other than making one statement - or so.

Nice series - actually an interesting idea - and back to No. 1 - this one I actually like a lot.
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