Esperant (waiting)
''.....i´m gone, but i´ll be waiting for you.....''
Sooner or later somebody leave us, and it´s beautiful imagine that it´s just for a while.
  • Canon EOS 1V
  • Tamron 28-300
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • AnnetGlass reflection between two subjects.No photoshop.No laboratory manipulation.One shot.
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  • Visninger852
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Kritikker (3)
lars morgan k.

A pleasant thought, life after death, meeting loved ones. Many cultures cherish tis thought. You have in this picture captured a fragrance of hope, and desire (sorry, naked women arouse me:-)) If I might come with a sugestion for improvement, it would be that the female model should have been poitioned higher in the frame. As it is the model is not sitting correctly. I truly enjoy your pictures.

yours sincerely
Lars Morgan
Tove H.

I liked this. Gave me a feeling....nostalgic maybe...A nice picture.
Roy S.

Again a good creation from you Ferran. The female body was beautiful and sensual. The background I find a bit disturbing. I understand you want it for the meaning of the picture, but still I feel it´s not interacting in a good way with the body. Still, I like the picture.
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