''...i´ll go''
Says the song...
''...if i´ve done something wrong, i guess i´ll go...far...hidden...never to be found...''

I´m still working that picture....
Right or wrong direccion in comparation with the first one?
Some honest coments will help.
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  • Canon EOS 1V
  • Tamron 28-300
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • AnnetGlass reflection between two subjects.No photoshop, no laboratory manipulation.One shot.
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Kritikker (14)
Tove H.

I like this one better than the first one. I like it better when her feet is hidden in the dark as in this one. And I also like that you have moved the body closer to the sunset.
But you have two white spots there....can`t you remove them ?
Jostein M.

Hi Ferran!
I agree with Tove! This one was bether than the first. I really liked the first one too but no I see the improvement.
Looking forward to your next move.
Erlend M.

Wow! Much better! I like the way it looks like she's walking on top of the water. But it should be darker.
Nils B.

Yep. I realy like the tone index in this one.
Not to soft and not to hard. The light is intens, and the picture is seductive.
regards Nils
Ferran C.

Tusen takk folk, very apreciate.
Tove: the picture doesn´t have those points, but i´m so good scanning....you should see the originals pictures, but well, i keep trying so, some day i will learn to scann.
Avsluttet .

Hi Ferran! Guess this is my favourit, a real beauty! Think I would added a white border to it, but... :-)
Sara Julie D.

Hey, Ferran!
Your pictures are not really my style, allthough I can see they are made in perfection :) This one, however, I can't take my eyes off... It's beautiful. To be honest, I can't take my eyes off the girl...and I'm a happily married woman..
I have nothing ''bad'' to say, but Ivar might be right about the border.

:) Sara
Hans-Gunnar H.

Hi Ferran!
This is a very god picture,i think!
....the dramatic light and well done compotition make a good sense of what the song say! Nice shot Hans-Gunnar Heitmann
Knut H.

Hi, Ferran
What I don`t understand with your ''manipulation'' in this picture,is the lightning on the girl.
As I see it, it`s the light from the sun that ''hits'' the model -how is it possible that this light hits her from the back? I also think the proposistions are wrong, the model is made much too large comparing with the waves in the sea,- in my eyes she now looks as a giant.
Erlend M.

KHK: I think this picture is made to describe a ''feeling'', not to make it ''realistic''.
Haiman A.

She is a giant lady. That's the feelin he is trying to describe. He is afraid of.
Now i finally get it!
The large lady from the sea.

Ferran C.

Hi Knut, thanks for your honest words, i really apreciate and i have to listen them because it comes from a profeccional....(nobody should get angry at me, i honestly appreciate all the coments from everybody, because i´m a part of the amateur ''getto'' as well, and i´m looking for a general impresions and reactions, so i care the words from everybody).

As Erlend says my first intention here is try to expres a felling, and i try to do it in a soft subrealistic way, i really wasn´t looking for the perfect and logical composition, i gave her light, trying to expres that even under a ''love crisis''(as the song talks about) inside her there is still live for a new begining anywhere else(well, that´s the positive way i like to see it when you break up with somebody), anyway maybe i should light her softly, and with the size, i´m agree, i had toke new pictures from her in small size, so in the last work she will appear smaller(without cutting the head) and i will present it in horitzontal frame to give some wider to the landview.
Thank you very much.

Morten F.

'Glass reflection between two subjects.No photoshop, no laboratory manipulation.One shot''

Hmm, hvorfor gjøre det vanskelig når man kan gjøre det enkelt, i PS altså.

Får meg til å tenke på Rema 1000 reklamene :)
Manuela H.

Very nice!
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