London May 2002
  • Sony PC 120
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Trine Ø.

Do you read Norwegian? I`ll write in english to be on the safe side :o) I like this one, wery dramatic and a bit painting-like.
Trine :o)
Karl Andreas W.

Yeah. I'll write in english too, just to be sure you understand. Maybe the colors is a little boring... i think so. But the picture is good, no doubt.
- KarLa -
Avsluttet .

Hello again Wes

Thanks again for your comment on my other nightpicture, wich is Orion as you altso mentioned.

I must say you have a nice collection of frams her on this sight. I verry much like this capture. Nice struckture to the clouds og the light seems to devide the frame in a natural way.

I live in a smal village in southern Norway called Stavern. Even toug i have internet and all sorts of communicationpossibilitys it not much contact with poeple abroad. So i aprichiate this contacr much. You have to exuse my english, it's not so good i'm afreade.

So i look forvard to see more pictures from you in the future.

And.......not to forget......good luck on your norwegian !!!

Regards Svenn
Pål S.

This was a really nice picture, and I just remembered this o'l norwegian song and it goes like this..

It was a dark and stormful night and the sun has gone down..

Jeah this is just in the mood of that..
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