Final version of ''puto tanga'' to expose,
honest coments are very apreciate, takk.
  • Canon EOS 1V
  • Tamron 28-300
  • Blender-
  • Nei
  • AnnetGlass reflection between two subjects, no photoshop, no laboratory manipulation, one shot.
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Avsluttet .

Ferran, lovely flowing landscape, the dark area in the back gives a very good impression of the hills. Seeing is believing on this one and I appreciate your experimentation. Just goes to show how beautiful the human body can be without disclosing ALL the details. MVH Peter
Astrid A.

Have just had a look at your work. I think it's extraordinary and a very personal style. And that is good. It reminds me of a Land Art-artist of whom I can't remember the name just now. He uses the body to cover in mud so it looks like hills or other landscape features. But there is always something that reveals that it is the humanbody. Sort of like yours. You do very interresting work!
Jostein M.

Nice as always Ferran. KEEP UP WITH THIS STYLE. But its also nice when you put out regulary pictures. Take care my friend.
Regards Jostein
Hege Helen R.

I think your metodes are interesting, and I would like too try it one day. Nice picture Ferran.
Hilsen Hege
Jan J.

It reminds me of Gustav Mahlers last symfony.
The colors, landscape and..the woman.
Nice work.
Marcelo V.

Hola Ferran que tal?
Otra foto de muy buena calidad.La composicion funciona bien. quizas un poco oscura al lado izquierdo. Yo creo deberias retocar un poco la foto en PS antes de publicarla.
Te mando una copia con unos pocos ajustes de contraste y saturacion.
Hans Jørgen R.

This works really well. Especially impressed by the results achieved without photoshop.
Could she have been exposed somewhat darker perhaps?
Wery well executed anyhow.
Nils B.

Nice work Ferran, og komposisjonen sitter bra.
mvh Nils
Jan Ove Ø.

This is ones again great art by Ferran.
Not mutch else to say.
some got it and some don't
leaving you clear in the ''got it''spot
So don't let me waste your time
and please get back to work.
We want more. Mvh. Jan Ove
Knut H.

Hi Ferran, sorry, but I think this picture also have wrong proposisions, and I don`t find the composition interesting. The body of the woman is much too large comparing to the rest of the picture. (The right part of the picture is grey and you have a black ''dot'' on her leg. It must be a bad scanning?) I hope you sometime will show me a ''clean picture'' without your ''glass reflections''. Your lightening on the body looks superb.
Ferran C.

Takk skal du ha alle sammen. It´s very nice get such a constructive kritiks.

I´m just sorry for the scanning, i have still some problems to do it in the reight way.
Tusen takk.
Tove H.

I just want to say - I liked this one too. Keep on the good work.
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